Why do people complain?
Why is it so easy and feels so good coming out even though
we all know it doesn’t feel good later? It’s like eating that great big greasy
meal before going to bed only to wake up the next morning feeling like death.
So, why do people complain?
They believe life is not fair. They are genuinely unhappy.
They are jealous. They lack empathy and think they could do a better job than
others are doing.
Sometimes I think life isn’t fair. Sometimes I am uphappy.
Sometimes I’m jealous of what others have. Sometimes I think I could have done
it better than someone else. Perhaps I should be complaining more. J
So, why is complaining so dangerous? Some say complaining
actually is a stress reliever and can be therapeutic in a sense (in some sick
twisted way).
The research even
says that when people are exposed to 30 minutes of complaining every day, it
physically damages their brain. It damages the neurons in the part of the brain
used for problem solving and cognitive functioning by peeling back the neurons in
those areas. Sounds pretty intense and pretty detrimental doesn’t it!
Research also says the more you’re around a negative person,
the more likely you are to mimic their behavior. Neuro-scientific data shows
that the brain works more like a muscle than previously thought so the
more you repeat a behavior the more you become that behavior. Complaining is
like the beginning stages of a snowball rolling down the mountain… it can grow
and pick up momentum quite quickly!
So, in closing, do I truly know my point with this blog post?
No, not really, but I do know that complaining has both its pros and cons.
Complaining serves a purpose but it also can be toxic and slowly erode the
integrity of our teams and structures.
Perhaps we should start handing out pieces of paper with
this image on them when complaining rears its ugly head… just a thought!

We must leave no doubt in
the minds of others that our integrity and fortitude will endure despite
whatever happens. This is no easy challenge… but I think we can do it!