Start saying 'please' and 'thank you' even when it's for seemingly small and trivial events/transactions. Nobody has ever been shunned for being too polite and kind...
Go the extra mile and make that one last phone call, send that one last email, or finish that one last conversation. Those little things that most put off for another day (and tend to forget) make a huge difference to those around you...
Give support and encouragement to someone who you know is pushing themselves and trying something new. Added bonus... check in on them from time-to-time and offer assistance as needed and requested.
Share something that positively affected you with someone else. When we share what we value, we share a piece of who we are, and that is how trust and relationships are formed.
Make humility a top priority when working with and interacting with others. Nobody wants to be around the person who 'knows it all' and the person who is 'never wrong.' Be the person who wants to find out and the person who is human and makes mistakes...
Don't ever be caught talking poorly about someone. Remember, when someone hears you talking poorly about someone else, it's natural to think about how that person talks about you behind your back. Keep it simple and stay positive.
Stay calm and keep a level head. When people start to get 'crazy' it tends to put everyone in a state of frantic. Be the one who remains calm and brings everything back under control.
Make it personal... Yes, of course we all have jobs and deadlines that need to be addressed. But, there is always time to get to know folks and know them on a personal level that goes beyond just the professional level. No, you don't need to know their favorite color or their favorite type of ice cream, but knowing the basics of their life can mean a lot...
Put yourself in their shoes and show some empathy. This has nothing to do with being 'easy' on people... it has everything to do with knowing that we are all battling our own set of challenges. Remember, what comes around goes around, and your empathy will be repaid in full when you need it most.
Smile and be friendly... :)
Go the extra mile and make that one last phone call, send that one last email, or finish that one last conversation. Those little things that most put off for another day (and tend to forget) make a huge difference to those around you...

Share something that positively affected you with someone else. When we share what we value, we share a piece of who we are, and that is how trust and relationships are formed.
Make humility a top priority when working with and interacting with others. Nobody wants to be around the person who 'knows it all' and the person who is 'never wrong.' Be the person who wants to find out and the person who is human and makes mistakes...
Don't ever be caught talking poorly about someone. Remember, when someone hears you talking poorly about someone else, it's natural to think about how that person talks about you behind your back. Keep it simple and stay positive.
Stay calm and keep a level head. When people start to get 'crazy' it tends to put everyone in a state of frantic. Be the one who remains calm and brings everything back under control.
Make it personal... Yes, of course we all have jobs and deadlines that need to be addressed. But, there is always time to get to know folks and know them on a personal level that goes beyond just the professional level. No, you don't need to know their favorite color or their favorite type of ice cream, but knowing the basics of their life can mean a lot...
Put yourself in their shoes and show some empathy. This has nothing to do with being 'easy' on people... it has everything to do with knowing that we are all battling our own set of challenges. Remember, what comes around goes around, and your empathy will be repaid in full when you need it most.
Smile and be friendly... :)