Friday, January 1, 2016

10 most read blog posts of 2015

2015 was a good year and marks the 6th year for my blog, Life of an Educator. I finished the year with a total of 86 blog posts and have amassed a collection of 550 total blog posts over the last 6 years. I continue to find enjoyment and value in being open with my thoughts while being transparent about the work I'm passionate about in education.

Check out below my most read blog posts of 2015:

69,673 pageviews: 10 images to share at your next faculty meeting

19,186 pageviews: Should all classrooms be like kindergarten classrooms?

17,490 pageviews: Still not sure about redos/retakes... then read this

16,455 pageviews: Dear principal: A few things I'd like you to know

16,339 pageviews: The engaged student vs. the compliant student

14,934 pageviews: 10 signs there's a grading problem in your classroom

14,199 pageviews: The grading system our kids deserve

13,630 pageviews: 10 questions every educator should always be thinking about

13,364 pageviews: 10 images to share at your next faculty meeting: part 2

12,812 pageviews: 10 questions to ask yourself before giving an assessment