- More times than not homework adds little value when it comes to student learning...
- There is pressure from society to continue giving homework because that is the way it has always been done...
- Students rarely find relevance or purpose with homework, thus homework isn't completed and completion rates are negatively affected...
- Homework can be a valuable tool in schools, but too often homework is misused and ultimately detracts from the learning environment and causes resentment toward schooling.
- Homework should be an extension of the learning environment that provides students the opportunity to explore and discover...
- Homework should be an extension of the learning environment that provides students the opportunity to explore and discover...
- More homework does NOT equal more learning...
- Students should not spend all night every night doing homework as this time should be for pursuing student interests and passions outside of school.
- The natural love and curiosity of learning are destroyed by too much irrelevant and unproductive homework...
- Homework also naturally reinforces the gap between the kids who have parents/guardians available to help and those who don't...
- Homework also naturally reinforces the gap between the kids who have parents/guardians available to help and those who don't...
- A school without homework and grades would be a school where student learning and success increased...
- Not enough Educators are having this difficult conversation about the role of homework in schools...
What are your thoughts...? Let's keep this conversation going in an effort to move the homework discussion forward.