
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Will you be brave?

You come across a great idea that you want to share with your colleagues but you don't want them to judge you or think you are overstepping your bounds...

You are in a group conversation and you know what everyone is thinking but nobody is willing to speak up and say it...

You know that you are struggling in a particular area but at least it's comfortable and you know what to expect...

You've tried something new and unfortunately it flopped and didn't go over well, and now you are hesitant to try anything new again...

You've been asked to do something that comprises your morals and puts you in an extremely vulnerable position...

You've noticed that something is missing and you've been told, 'that's the way it's always been done...'

You know if you do it then others will look at you and start treating you differently...

You know it's never been done before and it's the last thing anyone is thinking of or is worried about...

Will you be brave?