
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Are you getting too big for your britches?

Life has a way of figuring things out...

Life also knows just when to bring you back down to earth so to speak...
Sometimes life will even send you a loud and clear message that hits like a ton of bricks...

If you're lucky, a single moment of discomfort and humility will have the power to change you for a lifetime...

Sometimes the most important lesson comes at the height of your confidence...

Sometimes the further the fall, the longer-lasting the lesson...

Walk confidently...

Be courageous...

Push the envelope...

Do what you know to be right...

But remember and recognize that your position is never quite as strong as you think, and it's never quite as weak as you think.

You are one person with value, but nobody's value is so high they are irreplaceable.

Lead with dignity...

Lead with respect...

Lead with compassion...

Live life with humility...