
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What's your 'it' factor?

Maybe the school year just started for you... maybe the start is right around the corner. Maybe you are a first year teacher... maybe you are a 25 year veteran leading a building as a principal. Either way, we all have a job to do and hopefully while we are doing that job, we can showcase to our students, to our colleagues, to our school, and to our district our 'it' factor.

I define the 'it' factor as something simple as a thought. More specifically, when somebody says your name, sees your name, or thinks about you, they then automatically think of your 'it' factor.

Maybe your 'it' factor is your openly optimistic and friendly personality...

Maybe it's your willingness to drop whatever you are doing to help and assist someone else...

Maybe you have the ability to make a connection with students who no one else can...

Maybe you have a smile that lights up a room and automatically puts everyone else in a better mood...
Maybe you are the one that can maintain a level-head in the heat of the moment...

Maybe people always come to you for reassurance and solidarity...

Maybe all know you to be someone who will stand up and speak while everyone else remains seated and silent...

Maybe it's the infinite amount of patience and understanding you have for those with whom you interact...

Maybe it's your unwavering commitment to help those who no one else will...

Maybe your 'it' factor can't be qualified, it can't be described, and it can't be measured...

As the new school year fires up, remember, you have the opportunity to redefine, revamp, and adjust your 'it' factor. Maybe you haven't completely discovered and/or fine-tuned your 'it' factor yet. That's totally fine. This year is the perfect year to do so! For the record, I'm still not sure what my 'it' factor is...

What's yours?