
Sunday, April 28, 2013

It's just not good enough anymore...

Below is a presentation I will be sharing at the SMCAA Spring Conference: The Changing Face of Assessments. I don't think we can talk about assessments without talking about everything else that encompasses education... and in some cases, it's just not good enough anymore.

Friday, April 5, 2013

The 21st century classroom...

Doesn't just focus on "what" kids learn, it focuses more on "how" kids learn best...

Knows the difference between something that is hard, and something that is rigorous...

Makes learning both relevant and meaningful...

Recognizes we're preparing our students for a world that doesn't yet exist using technology that hasn't yet been invented to solve problems we haven't even thought of...

Embraces the notion that education should be done "with" our students, rather than "to" our students...

Provides opportunities for students to explore, discover, create & experience failure...

Accepts that the world is a playground for learners, and learning can no longer be contained to the four walls of a classroom...

Understands that you can't be "data-driven" unless you actually make adjustments and modifications to your instructional practices as a result of that data...