Sunday, February 3, 2013

10 things I've learned about leadership: Part II

- Sometimes the easiest and most straight forward decision becomes the most difficult and controversial in the blink of an eye...

- If your goal is to keep everyone happy and comfortable, you should plan on not getting much accomplished; progress and growth will require pulling and tugging... 

- You are surrounded by people with many strengths and viable attributes; help to create an environment where they can excel and share their strengths with others...

- There is a very fine line between helping and being supportive, and enabling and creating a group of people who are dependent upon others to get anything done; tread this line carefully...

- What you say is fine and dandy, but what you do is all that really matters...

- If you want to prevent and destroy any hope of having positive morale, you will have lots of meetings where nothing really gets accomplished... you will probably also have meetings about future meetings.

- Making yourself available is a double edged sword... the more available you are, the easier you are to reach, which is both good and bad. Being available and visible are parts of leadership, and being available will always far outweigh not being available...

- If you don't appreciate and recognize the contributions of others, you will eventually fail, and you will most certainly never become a great leader...

- Leadership will always be centered around relationships, and those that are able to master the relationships piece will be best positioned to be great leaders...

- Leadership is about commitment, perseverance, self-reflection, and trust; commit yourself to doing whatever it takes, and trust yourself and others to be self-reflective learners who are always looking to grow...  

What have you learned about leadership...?

Be sure to check out my first post as well: