Thursday, June 7, 2012

Disruptive Innovation in Education...

For the last two days I had the opportunity to attend a Pearson's conference in Baltimore. Regardless of your opinion of Pearson and the role they play in education, they put on a pretty nice conference. Though I was not in the market to purchase any of their products, they did offer several sessions with great speakers and presentations. In particular, I had the opportunity to hear Lee Crockett's presentation on "Disruptive Innovation." This is the second time I have had the opportunity to hear Lee speak, and he most definitely did not disappoint. Lee also has a great blog you should follow called, "The Committed Sardine."

The following 10 images are of tweets I sent out during Lee's presentation. I am confident these tweets will surely get you and any educator thinking and reflecting... enjoy!

Thoughts... comments... concerns?